Brian Little's Wood Badge Journey


February 24, 2023 

I'm deep in the throws of my second wood badge ticket goal.  It was originally authored to say, "I will author and present to troop 199B and 199G a fundraising guideline as a one-page pamphlet which specifies distribution of funds earned through any troop fundraiser.  The pamphlet will clearly lay out fund distribution in a way that is designated to incentivize scout fundraising and limit scouting costs to the family (THRIFTY) while providing for the needs of the troop."  But as I started actually putting this together I realized it was much more involved than simply creating a Fundraising guidline.  Because In order to determine how much money the troop needed, I needed to budget how much money the troop would need to survive for a year.  But that got into the variable of event expenses.

Our Troop has historically just spent money as needed.  Our beginning of the school year budget was the scoutmaster and committee chair saying,  "Oh... We should plan to have about $750 for trailer repair just in case."  The entire budget was 5 items long.  It was an attempt, but it wasn't a budget.  The result is that scoutmasters were able to make decisions that caused us to spend hundreds of dollars on event after event.  At this point, (just prior to our biggest fundraiser the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser which has a significant up front cost, but we always make it back) the troop funds in the bank account has gone negative.

I brought up the issue that all our funds comes from fundraising.  So expensive events are being subsidized by scouts who fund-raise, but don't necessarily attend those events.  I contend that it is better to have events be budget neutral, and provide high quality fundraising opportunities.  The intention is to have far FEWER fundraisers then we currently have (8 last year) but that they would be very high quality (high profit and therefore well utilized) netting both the scouts and troop a significant boost to revenue.  All while leveling out the troop expenses.

To pull this off, I've spent the last month or so authoring a Financial Policy to outline everything about the troop funds, and I've cobbled together a budget for this year based on the expenses we've already taken on and what we expect for the rest of the school year.  I've also planned a meeting with the Key 3 for each troop in a week to present these policies to make sure everyone is on board.  I'm being open to feedback where it's possible.  I've also mentally prepared myself to stand firm on important changes.  I don't anticipate a lot of resistance, and if the policies are agreed upon, I'll also present the resulting budget I've created at the same meeting and ask for feedback and help thinking of other expenses we might incur.

Once that meeting is done I should come away with everything I need to author the 1 page policy to hand out to the troop.

My First Ticket Goal COMPLETE

November 14, 2022

My first ticket goal was to identify a suitable Chartered Organization for the cub scout pack and two Scouts BSA troops of Villa Park.  They were all previously associated with the catholic church here, but a policy change at the diocese made it so we could no longer run the scouting program unhindered.  So my first ticket goal was to identify a suitable Chartered Organization, and serve as a liaison until a Chartered Organization Representative is identified.

Well...  Last Wednesday the pack joined New Hope as their Chartered Organization.  I'm now in the process of getting bank accounts moved over and web permissions migrated but a Chartered Organization Representative has been identified and has stepped up to get applications signed and submitted.  When the Troops are ready to move they will, but I'm calling this goal done now that I've presented New Hope as a suitable Chartered Organization to all three groups and New Hope officially has a Chartered Organization Representative.

My First Ticket Goal

October 5, 2022

I've noticed that the way that I've authored my ticket goals, there are some that are very Urgent to complete, and others that are less urgent, and some that are very time sensitive and others that are not at all time sensitive.

My first Ticket Goal is to present a suitable Chartered Organization to each the Cub Scout Pack and the 2 Scouts BSA Troops that are currently chartered through St. Alexander's Catholic Church.  Unfortunately, the landscape of Scouting is radically changing.  Whereas having a scouting troop used to be a ministry of a church was a way for a church to serve a community, it is now (as a result of an unwillingness to deal with indiscretions) a liability to have scouts.  So the Joliet diocese has forbid overnight events beginning October 31 (it was originally set to begin October 7).  Obviously, this is incompatible with Scout BSA Troops, and it severely hinders a Cub Scout Pack's program.  So while I'm not encouraging the scouting groups to Leave the Catholic Church, if they need a home as a result of being forced out, then I know where they can go.

Tonight I'll present to my Cub Scout Pack a suitable Chartered Organization that will welcome them with open arms.  Namely The Church that I'm a part of, New Hope Community Church right here in Villa Park.  There is already talk of a welcome to New Hope Pot Luck specifically for the Leaders of the Pack and Troops.  There are still details to be worked through.  Like will we keep the same Chartered Organization Representative or change to someone from the Church.  And there are plenty of concerns, like the willingness of the Catholic Church to release the Pack and Troops, but I'm confident that we can make the transition happen.

The New Hope Community Church Logo is a Blue Cross with a Yellow Sun
A Trophy
The Fox Patrol Archway light up at night with christmas lights

After the 2nd Weekend

October 4, 2022

I've been home from Gilwell now for 2 weeks or so.  I have to say that while Scouting is inherently not a competitive activity.  The Bob Whites Totally Won Wood Badge!

We dominated patrol based games on day 4, and every time we succeed we as an entire patrol let out a hearty "Hooty Hoo!"  It wasn't our intention to disrupt others, but it clearly got into their head because activities at other stations just stopped.  Leader after leader kept saying, you have the fastest time doing ____.  And our patrol benefited greatly from the first weekend's failure as a patrol to such an extent that we bound together and operated as one effective unit.  It was POWERFUL!

I marveled at the Foxes decorations, someone spent serious time on their archway.  The Antelopes did a prance every time they needed to be acknowledged and it made me laugh every single time.  The Bears leaned into bear puns hard.  I'm proud of each of these patrols, but it was the Bob Whites that infected all the other groups to some level.

After having a little bit of time to reflect on this, I don't think I learned anything new that I haven't heard at corporate trainings already.  What was different was overlaying scouting onto that leadership training.  You are inherently working with other scouters who are sacrificing their time, money, weekends, and in the case of at least 1 person I know, their comfort (they don't much like camping) so they can better serve the scouts.  It isn't trying to redirect a toxic corporate culture with folks who are looking out for #1.  It's striving to make a difference in young people's lives.  It's literally WHY I went into Youth ministry, and its powerful to see how these principles work together with people who practice them.

an abundance of ticket stubs

One Month Wait

October 3, 2022

During our month between weekends our patrol met once in person.  That was a busy day for me.  After working for the day, I attended our Bobcat Den Meeting which I piggybacked off the Tiger Den.  My wolf den welcomed 5 new scouts which meant that the Tiger's first meeting of the year where they earned Bobcat was more my scouts than his.   I ducked out of that meeting early and drove 50 min to Yorkville so I could have a beer with my patrol and we could do some menu planning.  I brought my hat and Dan took it with him so he could show his cresting ability.  I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with this hat now, but I"m sure I'm going to keep it for a while.

I started working on the ticket right  away and the ticket worksheet that they gave us was completely unworkable.  I re-did the entire sheet, and Julie was very appreciative.

It took me 3 attempts to get my ticket goals approved, but I'm really happy with what it looks like as of now.

Thoughts about the 1st Weekend

September 28, 2022

I would really have liked to get a post before this one; however this has been a crazy busy couple months.

Following our first weekend I have been telling folks that asked me how  it went, "It was a uniquely powerful experience."  I have never felt so intensely connected to my patrol the Bobwhites while simultaneously rooting for the benefit of the 'troop' as a whole.

On our second day we did an activity on engineering a newton car out of a Lego chaste and a rubber band ejecting a block of wood.  Several of our patrol got competitive and rather than working together, we found ourselves working against each other.  It was not our finest moment.  A huge thank you to Dana who took the time to address the deficiency in our group, and we came back much stronger then ever.

By way of illustrating my statement above.  That 2nd night we had a campfire program which was Emceed by the Bear Patrol.  They did a spectacular job.  I wasn't jealous of them, nor did I want to be a part of their in group.  I was just celebrating their accomplishments along side of them.

Honestly I was kind of hoping to be an antelope because two of the other leaders in the troop are antelopes, but I can honestly say after this weekend I'm happy to be a part of this group regardless of the critter associated with it.

the Northern Bobwhite
popsicle stick kazoo


August 7, 2022

Today Beth and I rode to Elgin for the orientation.  I really enjoyed the time just hanging out.  I feel like we agree about a lot of stuff and have really complementary personalities.  As we rode home from the information dump, we agreed that it was not what we were expecting.  We went to separate BALOO/IOLS trainings a couple months apart from each other in 2020 and when we got there  they handed us a 1.5 inch binder full of resources for every aspect of the training.  We worked through that material at length and even today I go back and reference it.  After hearing that this was a leadership training I guess I was expecting that same thing.  But mostly we sat in our Den's tables (which was arbitrarily set up upon arrival) And we got a Den level craft.  And we prepared for an information dump about what to expect.  Things like "fill out the dietary needs survey," and "we need your medical forms."  A lot of this stuff we knew already but it was nice to put a face to the name.  On our way home Beth said, "For BALOO we got a 200 page bible of outdoor skills.  Today all we got was one sheet of paper and a popsicle stick kazoo."  In fairness we didn't really start anything, this was just getting us all in one place, but I'm not convinced that this was a worthwhile use of my time for a Sunday afternoon.

So I always like to suggest how this thing (in this case the wood badge training) might be made better.  And I like to give those feedback as close to the event as possible.  I know at this point following the COVID pandemic everyone is very over video conferencing, but I personally like to incorporate the strengths of new things and discard the downsides.  So If I were leading this training I would probably have made a video for each segment of the orientation and sent that 2 weeks before the first meeting.

Since there wasn't anything that required in person attendance at this training, I wouldn't have asked people to come in person.  I traveled from the far east of the Council and had to travel about 40 min, but I know the council stretches much further south and west from Elgin.

wound packing at the stop the bleed training at Rainsburg Scout Reservation

2 weeks to Go

July 26, 2022

Julie keeps sending me emails which is proving to keep Wood Badge front of mind.  As a result I've got some projects that I think might qualify as Wood Badge Tickets.  At Summer camp with Troop 199 I took two different trainings.  The "stop the bleed" training, which was remarkable in that they actually handed out tourniquets for us to practice with and had training materials so we could practice wound packing on a training dummy (pictured here from the training) and putting a tourniquet on someone so I could see how much force is required to actually stop blood flow.  That was a first for me.  I also renewed my certification for First Aid and CPR.  During that Training the instructor strongly suggested that our first aid kit stock an EpiPen.  I'm going to do research about whether that's allowed in Illinois since I know it used to be illegal but they've changed the law.

I've added making a Pack first aid kit (because I don't believe one exists) and, with the help of my daughter, updating the Troop first aid kit.  My daughter has just begun the First Aid Merit Badge for the troop and one of the requirements of the merit badge is 5b: with and adult leader, inspect your troop's first-aid kit.  Evaluate it for completeness.  Report your findings to your counselor and Scout leader.

I believe focusing on the preparation of the Troop and Pack for any medical emergency is worthwhile, but I don't know yet what constitutes as a ticket.  I should find out that answer in a little less than 2 weeks.

Its Finally Up

June 17, 2022

This week I got an email from Julie telling us what we had to expect coming up in about 8 weeks.  It was standard fair like 'get your health forms ready,' and 'make sure you have full field uniform.'  I'm not ready, but I'm getting excited.

This post is to celebrate the conclusion of a major project for the pack.  Yesterday, I spent all day on chats with Google and I got the last of my setup done.  After 40 - 50 hours of work spread over several months, our site is now live and I've instituted a Google Workspace for all of the registered members in the pack.  Whats better, we used Google for Nonprofits.  It was much more work to setup, but it means that everyone in the pack has a free workspace account (presumably forever) with not only Email, but also Sheets and Docs (google's attempt to rival MS Office), and Sites which is how this site is published, and Meets (so we don't need a Zoom subscription), and YouTube should we decide to begin that avenue.  But also some really powerful tools that aren't available to business, like up to $10,000 per month is Google Ad Grants.  We can set up a Geo Fence and market to a select group of people in an area, say ... people with a child between the age of 5 and 10, in the School District boundaries.  We can go more granular than that too.

The goals behind this project were to expand the Pack's reach to the Villa Park Community, Improve Youth Protection Policies (through having a domain email address for adult leaders), and to support the pack with resources it needs to be successful.  I honestly believe that this has been a successful endeavor.

Until next Time.  

google sites logo

Google Workspace

May 12, 2022

This maybe calls for a little backstory: I heard a rumor that the prior Cubmaster and his wife bought a Domain.  Namely,  I guess they bought it years ago with the best intentions of publishing on that domain.  Interesting fact, they were at least the 2nd set of people who tried to publish a site with the first group being this site: which really needs to be taken down but we can't get a hold of the owners.  I've put Kelly on that task.

Well initially the email address associated with was free but a couple years ago Google started charging for Google Workspace accounts if they weren't a non-for-profit.  the owner of the site didn't want to pay $5 / month (per user I might add) for an email address that was unused so she turned it off.  She was happy to pay the $12 per year for the domain but an extra $60 seemed like a waste to her.  Frankly, I agree.  I saw her earlier this year and she told me she has this domain and she wanted to hand it off.

Well I built the rough site in Google Sites so that future generations would be able to edit it easily but I wasn't able to convince the committee that my vision of having a complete technology suite, was a good one so I was met with a hesitation.  It sounded like, I don't want to burden the Cub Scouts with big bills in the future.  So I set off on a solution.  and found it with Google for Nonprofits.

I believe I launched the site that currently resides at about a year ago.  Its taken me this full year to get to today but today I was able to sit down with St. Alexander Church office staff and work through the verification process to get us registered.  I've requested a token and within 3 weeks I should be ready to go realizing my full gambit of email addresses so transfering leadership to future generations is easier.

Google for Nonprofits
Three Fires Council Wood Badge snipit


May 6, 2022

I've spent a fair amount of time thinking about Wood Badge and what do I want to get out of it, but as of yet, I'm not sure what to expect. 

I've heard enough to know I have to do 5 tickets, or projects designed to improve myself and/or my unit, and I'm hoping that the website attached to this blog, as well as my accounting endeavors at the Troop level to satisfy 2 of the tickets.  I'm also thinking that I'd like to focus on my physical fitness, and I wonder if working with the SPL to take bike rides and/or bike ride camping trips might be interesting to the scouts.

But the big update that I wanted to announce is at our Pack Committee Meeting last night Kelly Kosik announced that she had registered to take Wood Badge with me this August. Not to brag, but I called it.


November 16, 2021

On Friday, November 12, 2021 I decided that I was going to take Wood Badge.  The next day is the council's leadership Training which I was already registered for.  I'd talked to scout leaders like Troop 199B Scoutmaster Steve Capitelli, Troop 242 Scoutmaster Greg Black, and Troop 199B Committee Chairman Adam Baldwin who have all completed Wood Badge in the past and they all spoke to it's value.  So that afternoon before I left work, I made the commitment and paid my $50 deposit for almost a year later.

The next day I showed up to the Three Fires Council Training Academy, which I must say.  If you like the people in your Pack or Troop there are few better ways to spend a day than with people you like learning things from people who have already made the mistakes.  I can't recommend highly enough that leaders seek training.  Anyway, I showed up to Training Academy and announced, I'd made the commitment and inquired among others who might be interested in joining me.  No one yet although I would be surprised if Ryan or Kelly don't decide to take it.

2020 Three Fires Council Training Academy Patch